Monday, 13 February 2017

Audience profiling

The media often splits the target audience into groups based on psychographic profiling to aim at a specific part of the public based on their interests and mind set, putting them into categories to hopefully ease target audience into being drawn to a product.

The categories of these grouped are traditionalists who are people that believe in traditional ways of living, mainstreamists who concern over stability, social status and popularity, individualists that prefer to be out-casted and develop their own style ,are highly media literate and prefer sophisticated campaigns, idealist, aspirers who seek to improve themselves, reformers who actively consume eco friendly products and are supportive of charities, succeeders who prefer positions of power and want to succeed in life only.

The audience is also split into different sociology economic classes based on how much money the customers earn the classes are:
E- unemployed, benefits
D- working class, semi and unskilled workers
C2- skilled working class, manual workers
C1- lower middle class, professional white collar worker.
B- middle class, administrative and professional
A- upper class, business executives or owners.

Here are some links to my slide share presentations:

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